LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS vopdc cdpp Sorbonne Université cnes Université de Paris

RadioJOVE CDF files

Thursday 16 July 2015, by Baptiste Cecconi

RadioJOVE metadata

There are six categories of metadata included into RadioJOVE CDF files, as presented below.

ISTP global attributes

The ISTP (International Solar Terrestrial Program) global attributes are required for CDF archiving either in the HPDE (Heliophysics Data Environment) or PDS4 (NASA Planetary Data System version 4) context. The list of ISTP global attributes is given on the following table.

ISTP Global Attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionExample for RadioJOVE/Dual Channel Spectrograms
Project This attribute identifies the name of the project and indicates ownership. (Required by ISTP) RadioJOVE
Source_name This attribute identifies the mission or investigation that contains the sensors. (Required by ISTP) RadioJOVE
Discipline This attribute describes both the science discipline and sub discipline. (Required by ISTP) Planetary Physics>Magnetospheric Science
Data_type This attribute identifies the data type of the CDF data set. Both a long name and a short name are given. (Required by ISTP) EDR>Experiment Data Record
Descriptor This attribute identifies the name of the instrument or sensor that collected the data. (Required by ISTP) sp2_300>Dual Channel Spectrogram with 300 frequency steps
Data_version This attribute identifies the version of a particular CDF data file. (Required by ISTP) 07
Logicle_file_id This attribute stores the name of the CDF file using the ISTP naming convention (source_name / data_type / descriptor / date / data_version). (Required by ISTP) radiojove_edr_sp2_300_201412020800_201412021059_v07
PI_name This attribute value should include first initial and last name. (Required by ISTP) D. Typinski
PI_affiliation This attribute value should include a recognizable abbreviation. (Required by ISTP) RadioJOVE
TEXT This attribute is an NSSDC standard global attribute which is a text description of the experiment whose data is included in the CDF. (Required by ISTP) RadioJOVE Project data.
Instrument_type This attribute is used to facilitate making choices of instrument type through CDAWeb. More than one entry is allowed. (Required by ISTP) Spectrogram Receiver
Mission_group This attribute has a single value and is used to facilitate making choices of source through CDAWeb. (Required by ISTP) RadioJOVE
Logical_source This attribute carries source_name, data_type, and descriptor information. (Required by ISTP) radiojove_edr_sp2_300
Logical_source_description This attribute writes out the full words associated with the encrypted Logical_source above. (Required by ISTP) RadioJOVE Dual Channel Spectrograph
File_naming_convention If a global attributed named "File_naming_convention" exists, its value and pattern are used to construct the leading portion of the output file name. If not the "Logical_source" attribute is used. (Optional by ISTP) source_descriptor_yyyyMMddHHmm_yyyyMMddHHmm_V05
Software_version This is a text attribute containing the processing software version number. (Optional by ISTP) 0.5
Skeleton_version This is a text attribute containing the skeleton file version number. (Optional by ISTP) 0.5
Generated_by This attribute allows for the generating data center/group to be identified. (Recommended by ISTP) SkyPipe
Generation_date Date stamps the creation of the file. (Recommended by ISTP) Wed Jun 3 23:45:42 2015
LINK_TEXT This attribute stores text describing on-line data available at PI or CoI web sites. (Recommended by ISTP) Radio-SkyPipe Software webpage
RadioJOVE webpage
VOParis Data Centre webpage
LINK_TITLE This attribute stores the title of the web site holding on-line data available at PI or CoI web sites. (Recommended by ISTP) Radio-SkyPipe Software
VOParis Data Centre
HTTP_LINK This attribute stores the URL for the PI or CoI web site holding on-line data. (Recommended by ISTP) http://www.radiosky.com/skypipeishere.html

Guidelines to build ISTP global attributes are provided here.

PDS4 global attributes

The PDS4 global attributes may vary depending on the dataset. The definitive list is defined by the PDS review panel, at the time of the review of the dataset archival process. The list of proposed PDS4 global attributes are described in the following table.

PDS4 global attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionExample for RadioJOVE/Dual Channel Spectrograms
PDS_Observation_start_time ISO formatted observation start UTC time 2014-12-02T08:00:00.108.924.508.096Z
PDS_Observation_stop_time ISO formatted observation stop UTC time 2014-12-02T10:59:59.927.070.736.883Z
PDS_Observation_target This attribute contains the named observation target. Jupiter
PDS_Observation_type This attribute contains the type of observations. Waves

NB1: The PDS4 global attributes are composed with a "PDS_" prefix.

NB2: The lists of allowed values for "PDS_Observation_target" and "PDS_Observation_type" attributes are being defined by PDS.

VESPA global attributes

The VESPA global attributes have been added to the dataset in order to facilitate its distribution using the VESPA VO interface. The List of VESPA global attributes are given in the following table.

VESPA global attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionExample for RadioJOVE/Dual Channel Spectrograms
VESPA_dataproduct_type This attribute provides the VESPA data product type, as defined by VESPA. DS>Dynamic Spectra
VESPA_target_class This attribute contains the class of the target, as defined by VESPA. planet
VESPA_target_region This attribute contains the observed target region. Aurora
VESPA_target_element This attribute contains the named observed target element. Io-A DAM
VESPA_time_min This attribute contains the observation start UTC time, expressed in Julian Day. 2456993.833334594
VESPA_time_max This attribute contains the observation stop UTC time, expressed in Julian Day. 2456993.9583324892
VESPA_time_sampling_step_min This attribute contains the minimum value of the temporal sampling step in seconds. 0.15690923
VESPA_time_sampling_step_max This attribute contains the maximum value of the temporal sampling step in seconds. 0.15694946
VESPA_spectral_range_min This attribute contains the lower bound of observed spectral range (in Hz) . 1.6053333E7
VESPA_spectral_range_max This attribute contains the upper bound of observed spectral range (in Hz) . 3.2E7
VESPA_instrument_host_name This attribute contains the name of the observatory or spacecraft hosting the instrument. AJ4CO DPS
VESPA_instrument_name This attribute contains the name the instrument. RadioJOVE Dual Channel Spectrograph
VESPA_measurement_type This attribute contains the type of physical parameter measured, using UCD, as defined by IVOA. phys.flux;em.radio
VESPA_access_format This attribute contains the data format. cdf

NB1: The VESPA global attributes are composed with a "VESPA_" prefix.

NB2: The lists of allowed values for "VESPA_dataproduct_type" and "VESPA_target_class" attributes are given in EPN-TAP documentation.

RadioJOVE global attributes

The RadioJOVE global attributes are describing RadioJOVE specific aspects. The List of RadioJOVE global attributes are given in the following table.

RadioJOVE global attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionExample for RadioJOVE/Dual Channel Spectrograms
RadioJOVE_observer_name This attribute provides name of the observer. Dave Typinski
RadioJOVE_observatory_location This attribute provides name of location observatory. High Springs, FL
RadioJOVE_observatory_latitude This attribute provides latitude of the observatory, in degrees. 29.836944580078125
RadioJOVE_observatory_longitude This attribute provides longitude of the observatory, in degrees. 82.62139129638672
RadioJOVE_dipole_orientation_angle This attribute provides orientation of the RadioJOVE dipoles, in degrees. This is a vector, with as many values as there are channels connected to antennas. Zero value corresponds to a meridian orientation (North-South). 0.0, 90.0
RadioJOVE_original_filename his attribute provides original file name (if applicable). AJ4CO-141201080000.sps
RadioJOVE_n_channel his attribute provides number of channels connected to antennas. 2

ISTP variable attributes

The ISTP variable attributes are required for CDF archiving either in the HPDE or PDS4 context. The list of ISTP variable attributes is given on the following table.

ISTP variable attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionExample for RadioJOVE/Dual Channel Spectrograms
CATDESC Plain text description of the variable. Data stream on Channel 1
DEPEND_0 Variable name that shall be used to ordre data on Axis 0 Epoch
DEPEND_1 Variable name that shall be used to ordre data on Axis 1 (if present) FREQUENCY
DISPLAY_TYPE Tells automated software what type of plot to make and what associated variables in the CDF are required in order to do so spectrogram
DICT_KEY Data dictionary keyword list and describes the variable to which it is attached. The ISTP/IACG standard dictionary keyword list is described in ISTP/IACG Dictionary Keywords. electric_field>
FIELDNAM Short name (no space) used for cross-reference inside the file DATA_1
FILLVAL Number inserted in the CDF in place of data values that are known to be bad or missing -1.0E31
FORMAT Fortran-type code format for numerical data display F8.3
LABAXIS Label to be displayed along the amplitude axis. Power Spectral Density on Channel 1
UNITS Unit of the variable W/m^2/Hz
MONOTON indicates whether the variable is monotonically increasing or monotonically decreasing (optional). Recommended for axis variables, such as temporal or spectral axis. (N/A)
SCALEMIN Value which can be based on the actual values of data found in the CDF data set or on the probable uses of the data. Visualization software can use these attributes as defaults for plotting. The values must match the data type of the variable 0
SCALEMAX Value which can be based on the actual values of data found in the CDF data set or on the probable uses of the data. Visualization software can use these attributes as defaults for plotting. The values must match the data type of the variable 5000
VALIDMIN Minimum value for a particular variable that are expected over the lifetime of the mission. The value must match the data type of the variable. 0
VALIDMAX Maximum value for a particular variable that are expected over the lifetime of the mission. The value must match the data type of the variable. 5000
VAR_TYPE identifies a variable as either: data (integer or real numbers that are plottable); support_data (integer or real "attached" variables);
metadata (labels or character variables); ignore_data (placeholders).
SCALETYP indicates if the variable should have a linear or a log scale as a default. lin

A complete list of ISTP variable attributes are provided here.

IVOA variable attributes

In order to share the data through VESPA, a few IVOA variable attributes must be present. The List of IVOA variable attributes are given in the following table.

IVOA variable attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionExample for RadioJOVE/Dual Channel Spectrograms
UCD Unified Content Descriptor phys.flux;em.radio

RadioJOVE CDF files types

The RadioJOVE team provides several data products. They can be grouped by data product type (dataproduct_type, as defined by VESPA, see above): time series and dynamic spectra.

Time Series

There are 2 types of time series: raw waveforms and amplitude time series. The latter is derived from the former. The Radio SkyPipe software used by RadioJOVE observers can deal with up to 8 parallel channels. The following table gives the various time series data products and their associated CDF skeleton.

Time series data products
Logical_sourceDescriptionCDF Skeleton for RadioJOVE
radiojove_edr_ts1 1-channel time series of raw waveform SKT
radiojove_edr_ts2 2-channel time series of raw waveform SKT
radiojove_edr_ts3 3-channel time series of raw waveform SKT
radiojove_edr_ts4 4-channel time series of raw waveform SKT
radiojove_edr_ts5 5-channel time series of raw waveform SKT
radiojove_edr_ts6 6-channel time series of raw waveform SKT
radiojove_edr_ts7 7-channel time series of raw waveform SKT
radiojove_edr_ts8 8-channel time series of raw waveform SKT
radiojove_ddr_ts1 1-channel time series of derived amplitude SKT
radiojove_ddr_ts2 2-channel time series of derived amplitude SKT
radiojove_ddr_ts3 3-channel time series of derived amplitude SKT
radiojove_ddr_ts4 4-channel time series of derived amplitude SKT
radiojove_ddr_ts5 5-channel time series of derived amplitude SKT
radiojove_ddr_ts6 6-channel time series of derived amplitude SKT
radiojove_ddr_ts7 7-channel time series of derived amplitude SKT
radiojove_ddr_ts8 8-channel time series of derived amplitude SKT


The Radio SkyPipe software used by RadioJOVE observers produces single or dual channel spectrograms with 200, 300 or 400 frequencies. The following table gives the various time series data products and their associated CDF skeleton.

Spectrogram data products
Logical_sourceDescriptionCDF Skeleton for RadioJOVE
radiojove_edr_sp1_200 Single antenna spectrogram with 200 frequencies SKT
radiojove_edr_sp1_300 Single antenna spectrogram with 300 frequencies SKT
radiojove_edr_sp1_400 Single antenna spectrogram with 400 frequencies SKT
radiojove_edr_sp2_200 Dual antenna spectrogram with 200 frequencies SKT
radiojove_edr_sp2_300 Dual antenna spectrogram with 300 frequencies SKT
radiojove_edr_sp2_400 Dual antenna spectrogram with 400 frequencies SKT

Software Library

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