This data contains a 10 year timeseries of Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) integrated intensity extracted from Wind/WAVES data preprocessed using the Waters et al (2021b) technique (a subset of these data are available from Waters et al (2021a)). The integrated intensity is calculated as described in the appendices of Lamy et al (2008).
Link to data repository
Integrated intensity is calculated in two frequency bands, 100-650 kHz (approximately the main AKR band) and 30-100 kHz (approximately the low-frequency extension band). These are chosen to match the frequency bands used by Waters et al (2022). The user is cautioned that AKR intensity depends strongly on spacecraft local time, as shown by Fogg et al (2022) and Waters et al (2022).
Data Format
Data is available as CSV files.
CSV data
Comma separated format (CSV) columns:
- P_Wsr-1_100_650_kHz: AKR integrated power between 100 and 650 kHz
- datetime_ut: datetime, format DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss
- P_Wsr-1_30_100_kHz: AKR integrated power between 30 and 100 kHz
- unix: seconds since 00 UT 1st Jan 1970
- x_gse: spacecraft position in GSE coordinates
- y_gse: spacecraft position in GSE coordinates
- z_gse: spacecraft position in GSE coordinates
- lat_gse: spacecraft position in GSE coordinates
- lon_gse: spacecraft position in GSE coordinates
- x_gsm: spacecraft position in GSM coordinates
- y_gsm: spacecraft position in GSM coordinates
- z_gsm: spacecraft position in GSM coordinates
- lat_gsm: spacecraft position in GSM coordinates
- lon_gsm: spacecraft position in GSM coordinates
- radius: spacecraft radial distance from the earth in RE
- decimal_gseLT: spacecraft local time in decimal format (i.e. 1.5 is 1h30min LT)
The data is provided as yearly files:
Coverage and sampling
- Target: Earth
- Time range: 1995-01-01 to 2004-12-31
- Spectral range: 30-650 kHz
- Fogg, A. R., Jackman, C. M., Waters, J.E., Bonnin, X., Lamy, L. et al (2022). Wind/WAVES observations of Auroral Kilometric Radiation: Automated burst detection and terrestrial solar wind - magnetosphere coupling effects. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA030209.
- Lamy, L., Zarka, P., Cecconi, B., Prangé, R., Kurth, W. S., & Gurnett, D. A. (2008). Saturn kilometric radiation: Average and statistical properties. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113. A07201.
- Waters, J. E., Jackman, C. M., Whiter, D. K., Forsyth, C., Fogg, A. R. et al (2022). A perspective on substorm dynamics using 10 years of auroral kilometric radiation observations from wind. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2022JA030449.
- Waters, J.E., B. Cecconi, C. M. Jackman, D. K. Whiter, X. Bonnin, L. Lamy & K. Issautier (2021a). Wind/Waves flux density collection calibrated for Auroral Kilometric Radiation (Version 1.0) [Data set]. PADC.
- Waters, J. E., Jackman, C. M., Lamy, L., Cecconi, B., Whiter, D. K., Bonnin, X., Issautier, K. & Fogg, A. R. (2021b). Empirical selection of Auroral Kilometric Radiation during a multipoint remote observation with wind and Cassini. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2021JA029425.