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Catalogue of First Harmonic Saturn Kilometric Radiation Observations during Cassini’s Grand Finale

Friday 22 September 2023, by Baptiste Cecconi

This dataset is contains the catalogue of First Harmonic Saturn Kilometric Radiation (SKR) Observations during Cassini’s Grand Finale. The dataset supplements: Wu et al. (2022), Observations of the First Harmonic of Saturn Kilometric Radiation during Cassini’s Grand Finale. JGR Space Physics, 127(9), e2022JA030776, (doi:10.1029/2022JA030776)

Link to data repository


This collections contains several files:

  • wu_2022_table_a1.txt: Content of Table A.1 of Wu et al. (2022)
  • wu_2022_catalogue.json: TFCat formatted catalogue of identified pairs of Fundamental and Harmonic emissions. In this file, each TFCat feature is a MultiPolygon object: the 1st Polygon is the Fundamental emission, while the 2nd is the Harmonic emission.

Coverage and sampling

  • Time range: 2016-10-23 03:26:30 to 2017-08-28 03:18:35
  • Spectral range: 240 kHz to 1620 kHz


BC was also supported by PADC and EPN2024-RI. The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (EPN2024-RI) project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.


Any question or request should be addressed to contact.maser@obspm.fr


  • Cecconi, B., Lamy, L., & Zarka, P. 2017a, Cassini/RPWS/HFR LESIA/Kronos N2 Data Collection (Version 1.0), MASER/PADC doi:10.25935/xs9j-nd90
  • Cecconi, B., Lamy, L., & Zarka, P. 2017b, Cassini/RPWS/HFR LESIA/Kronos N3d Data Collection (Version 1.0), MASER/PADC, doi:10.25935/5jfx-dh49
  • Siyuan Wu, Philippe Zarka, Laurent Lamy, Ulrich Taubenschuss, Baptiste Cecconi, Shengyi Ye, Georg Fischer (2022). Observations of the First Harmonic of Saturn Kilometric Radiation during Cassini’s Grand Finale. JGR Space Physics, 127(9), e2022JA030776. doi:10.1029/2022JA030776.
  • Cecconi, B., X. Bonnin, A. Loh. (2021), JSON Implementation of Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues: TFCat (Version 1.0). PADC. doi:10.25935/6068-8528