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ExPRES Jovian Radio Emission Simulations Data Collection v01

Tuesday 19 December 2023, by Baptiste Cecconi, Corentin Louis

This collection is composed of pre-computed simulation runs of the ExPRES code, with a fixed set of parameters, and for various observers, as described in Louis et al. (2019).

A new version of this dataset is available at: https://doi.org/10.25935/y0f3-9n63

Link to data repository


This data collection contains pre-computed ExPRES simulation runs, with the following input parameters:

  • Magnetic Field Model: ISAaC (Hess et al, 2018) or JRM09 (Connerney et al, 2018)
  • Current Sheet Model: Connerney et al (1981)
  • CMI Mechanism: Loss Cone, with a 1° sheet thickness
  • Electron energy: 3 keV

The altitude of the Jovian aurora is set to 650 km (this constrains the maximum value of fc). There is no refraction.

The precomputed observers and associated time ranges are:

  • Cassini (2000-01-01 to 2003-12-31)
  • Earth (2001-01-01 to 2020-12-31)
  • Galileo (not computed yet)
  • juno (2016-01-01 to 2020-12-31)
  • Stereo-A (not computed yet)
  • Stereo-B (not computed yet)
  • Ulysses (not computed yet)
  • Voyager-1 (1979-03-02 to 1979-03-17)

The data files contain the modelled following parameters: polarization, theta, CML (obs longitude), obs latitude, obs distance, srcfreqmax, srcfreqmaxCMI, srcLongitude,fp and fc (detailed informations are available in Louis et al (2019)).

The data files are provided in CDF format, and the ExPRES input files are JSON files.


  • Connerney, J E P, M H Acuña, and N F Ness. 1981. “Modeling the JovianCurrent Sheetand Inner Magnetosphere.” Journal of Geophysical Research 86 (A10): 8370–84. doi:10.1029/JA086iA10p08370.
  • Connerney, J E P, S Kotsiaros, R J Oliversen, J R Espley, J L Joergensen, P S Joergensen, J M G Merayo, et al. 2018. “A New Model of Jupiter‘S Magnetic Field From Juno’S First Nine Orbits.” Geophys. Res. Lett. 45 (6): 2590–96. doi:10.1007/s11214-009-9621-7.
  • Hess, S L G, B Bonfond, F Bagenal, and L Lamy. 2018. “A Model of the Jovian Internal Field Derived From in-Situ and Auroral Constraints.” Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (PRE VIII), August, 157–68. doi:10.1553/PRE8s157.
  • Louis, C K, S L G Hess, B Cecconi, P Zarka, L Lamy, S Aicardi, and A Loh. 2019. “ExPRES: an Exoplanetary and Planetary Radio Emissions Simulator.” Astronomy and Astrophysics 627 (May): A30. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201935161.