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Nançay Decametric 35mm Film Observations Digitized Collection V1.0

Tuesday 22 September 2020, by Baptiste Cecconi

This collection contains raw digitised 35mm film decametric observations of Jupiter and the Sun performed daily in Nançay with the Nançay Decameter Array (NDA) from 1978 to 1991 and with the Nançay Decameter Inteferometer (NDI) from 1970 to 1977.

  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.25935/qrmq-x194
  • Publisher: PADC
  • License: CC-BY 4.0
  • Citation: Lamy, L., B. Cecconi, L. Debisschop, L. Denis, P. Zarka, A. Fave, M.-P. Issartel, C. Colon, F. Henry, S. Cnudde, M.-A. Dubos, A. Tisseau des Escotais, V. Stoll, P. Le Sidaner (2020). Nançay Decametric 35mm Film Observations Digitized Collection (Version 1.0) [Data set]. PADC. https://doi.org/10.25935/QRMQ-X194

Link to data repository


This collection contains raw decametric observations of Jupiter and the Sun performed daily in Nançay with the Nançay Decameter Array (NDA) from 1978 to 1991 and with the Nançay Decameter Inteferometer (NDI) from 1970 to 1977 (Boischot, 1974 ; Boischot et al., 1980). These observations were originally recorded on 35mm film rolls and facsimiles, presently archived at the Observatory of Paris in Meudon (Lamy et al., 2017, Cecconi et al., 2018). The 35mm collection is composed of about 1500 100ft-long film rolls (approaching a total length of 45 km). The films have been digitized at high resolution by OSIC, acting as a subcontractor of Observatoire de Paris. Each film roll thus yields several hundreds of individuals views, provided in TIF and JPG format below. This digitization project was made possible through funding support from: Collex Gis-Persée (french ministry of culture), Observatoire de Paris (ESTERS group, scientific council), The radioastronomy station of Nançay and CNES.


The collection is composed of 1491 digitised 35mm film rolls. Each film roll is digitised in a series of several hundred sequential TIFF files. The total number of TIFF files in the collection is 462633. Each TIFF file is associated with a JPEG file (medium resolution image) and a PNG (low resolution image).

Product descriptions
Description Format Dimension Size
Raw scan TIFF 15744 x 5408 63 MB
Inspection image JPEG 3149 x 1082 700 kB
Quick view scan PNG 787 x 270 63 MB

The films have been recorded with several instruments:

  • ARECIBO: Observation campaign at Arecibo.
  • IDN_M: Interféromètre Décamétrique de Nançay, Multi Channel receiver
  • IDN_S: Interféromètre Décamétrique de Nançay, Spectro receiver
  • IDN_TEST: Interféromètre Décamétrique de Nançay, test observations
  • RDN_R: Réseau Décamétrique de Nançay, Routine receiver
  • RDN_RN: Réseau Décamétrique de Nançay, Routine New receiver
  • RDN_S: Réseau Décamétrique de Nançay, Spectro receiver
  • RDN_SAO: Réseau Décamétrique de Nançay, Spectro Acousto-Optique receiver

The collection naming convention is:

The file naming convention is:

Coverage and sampling

  • Time range: 1970 to 1990
  • Targets: Jupiter, the Sun


This project was made possible thanks to the support of the following partners:

Owing to the significant work invested by the NDA team in this project, any foreseeable use of these digitized data should be announced to contact.nda@obs-nancay.fr and accompanied by a citation of the collection :

  • Lamy, L., B. Cecconi, L. Debisschop et al. (2020), Nançay Decametric 35mm Film Observations Digitized Collection (Version 1.0) [Data set]. PADC. https://doi.org/10.25935/QRMQ-X194


Any question or request should be addressed to contact.maser@obspm.fr


  • Boischot, A. 1974. Radioastronomy on Decameter Wavelengths at Meudon and Nançay Observatories, Sol. Phys., 36(2), pp.517-522. doi:10.1007/BF00151218
  • Boischot, A., C. Rosolen, M.G. Aubier, G. Daigne, F. Leblanc, A. Lecacheux, J. de la Noë and B.M. Pedersen. 1980. A new High Gain, Broadband, Steerable Array to study Jovian Decametric Emission, Icarus, 43, 399-407. doi:10.1016/0019-1035(80)90185-2
  • Lamy, L., P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, L. Klein, S. Masson, L. Denis and A. Coffre 2017. 1977–2017: 40 years of decametric observations of Jupiter and the Sun with the Nançay Decameter Array, in Planetary Radio Emissions VIII, edited by G. Fischer et al., Austrian Academy of Sciences press, Vienna, 455–466. doi:10.1553/PRE8s455
  • Cecconi, B. L. Lamy, L. Denis, P. Zarka, C. Louis, A. Fave, M.-A. Dubos, P. Le Sidaner and V. Stoll 2018. Digitizing analogic spectrograms recorded by the Nançay Decameter Array on 35mm film rolls from 1970 to 1990, in Proceeding to the PV2018 conference - Adding value and preserving data, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Space Cluster (UK), 15th-17th May 2018. arxiv: 2003.12479