This dataset is contains the catalogue of Saturn Anomalous Myriametric Radiation (SAM) discovered by Cassini/RPWS. The dataset supplements: Wu et al. (2022), Saturn Anomalous Myriametric Radiation, A New Type of Saturn Radio Emission Revealed by Cassini. Accepted to GRL (10.1029/2022GL099237)
- DOI:
- Publisher: PADC
- Citation: Wu, S., Ye, S., Fischer, G., Taubenschuss, U., Jackman, C., O’Dwyer, E., Kurth, W., Yao, S., Yao, Z. H., Menietti, J. D., Xu, Y., Long, M. Y., Cecconi, B. (2022). Saturn Anomalous Myriametric Radiation, A New Type of Saturn Radio Emission Revealed by Cassini. Supplementary material: Catalogue of events (Version 1.0) [Data set]. MASER/PADC.
Link to data repository
This collections contains several files:
: List of events, in MS Excel format. -
: TFCat formatted catalogue.
Coverage and sampling
- Time range: 2004-01-01 to 2017-09-15
- Spectral range: 3 kHz to 35 kHz
BC was also supported by PADC and EPN2024-RI. The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (EPN2024-RI) project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.
Any question or request should be addressed to
- Cecconi, B., Lamy, L., & Zarka, P. 2017a, Cassini/RPWS/HFR LESIA/Kronos N2 Data Collection (Version 1.0), MASER/PADC doi:10.25935/xs9j-nd90
- Siyuan Wu, Shengyi Ye, Georg Fischer, Ulrich Taubenschuss, Caitriona Jackman, Elizabeth O’Dwyer, William Kurth, S. Yao, Z. H. Zao, J. Douglas Menietti, Y. Xu, M. Y. Long, Baptiste Cecconi (2022). Saturn Anomalous Myriametric Radiation, A New Type of Saturn Radio Emission Revealed by Cassini. accepted to GRL. 10.1029/2022GL099237
- Cecconi, B., X. Bonnin, A. Loh. (2021), JSON Implementation of Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues: TFCat (Version 1.0). PADC. doi:10.25935/6068-8528