LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS vopdc cdpp Sorbonne Université cnes Université de Paris

Statistical Study of Spatial Distribution and Polarization for Saturn Narrowband Emissions. Supplementary material: Event catalogue

Friday 22 September 2023, by Baptiste Cecconi

This collection is contains the Saturn narrow band radio emission catalogue derived from Cassini RPWS data. The collection supplements: Wu et al. (2021), Statistical Study of Spatial Distribution and Polarization for Saturn Narrowband Emissions. The Astrophysical Journal 918 (64). IOP Publishing. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac0af1.

  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.25935/zmmz-ca38
  • Publisher: PADC
  • Citation: Wu, S., Ye, S., Fischer, G., Wang J., Long, M., Menietti, J. D., Cecconi, B. & Kurth, W. S. (2021). Statistical Study of Spatial Distribution and Polarization for Saturn Narrowband Emissions. Supplementary material: Event catalogue (Version 1.0) [Data set]. MASER/PADC. https://doi.org/10.25935/ZMMZ-CA38

Link to data repository


This collections contains two CSV files, providing the time intervals of each narrow band emission detected in the Cassini/RPWS dataset, as detailed in Wu et al. (2021):

  • NB20_list.txt: the 20-kHz event list.
  • NB5_list.txt: the 5-kHz event list.

It also contains two TFCat files, providing the same information using the TFCart specification (Cecconi et al. 2021):

  • NB20_list.json: the 20-kHz event list.
  • NB5_list.json: the 5-kHz event list.

The analysis was conducted on the Cassini/RWPS N2 and N3d goniopoalrimetric data (Cecconi et al. 2017a,b)

The table below describes the columns of the CSV data files:

NB event list file columns
Case_number Event number in file
S_year Start time (year)
S_doy Start time (day of year)
S_hour Start time (hour of day)
S_minute Start time (minute of hour)
E_year End time (year)
E_doy End time (day of year)
E_hour End time (hour of day)
E_minute End time (minute of hour)
Mode Radio wave propagation mode (0=LO, 2=Z)

Coverage and sampling

  • Time range: 2015-05-06 to 2017-09-12
  • Time resolution: 1 minute.
  • Spectral range: 3 kHz to 30 kHz


This work was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (grant No. XDB 41000000).

BC was also supported by PADC and EPN2024-RI. The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (EPN2024-RI) project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.


Any question or request should be addressed to contact.maser@obspm.fr


  • Cecconi, B., Lamy, L., & Zarka, P. 2017a, Cassini/RPWS/HFR LESIA/Kronos N2 Data Collection (Version 1.0), MASER/PADC doi:10.25935/xs9j-nd90
  • Cecconi, B., Lamy, L., & Zarka, P. 2017b, Cassini/RPWS/HFR LESIA/Kronos N3d Data Collection (Version 1.0), MASER/PADC, doi:10.25935/5jfx-dh49
  • Wu, Siyuan, Shengyi Ye, G. Fischer, Jian Wang, Minyi Long, J. D. Menietti, B. Cecconi & W. S. Kurth (2021). Statistical Study of Spatial Distribution and Polarization for Saturn Narrowband Emissions. Astrophys. J., 918(2), 64 doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac0af1.
  • Cecconi, B., X. Bonnin, A. Loh. (2021), JSON Implementation of Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues: TFCat (Version 1.0). PADC. doi:10.25935/6068-8528

0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70