Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS vopdc cdpp Sorbonne Université cnes Université de Paris LESIA

Wind/Waves/RAD1 LESIA L3 DF Data Collection V02

Friday 26 January 2024, by Baptiste Cecconi

This collection is composed Wind/Waves/RAD1 daily L3 DF files (version 02).

This collection is part of the Wind/Waves LESIA Collection.

This collection is a new version of:

Link to data repository

The files are available from the LESIA/Wind data repository (link below). The repository file hierarchy and the link with the other LESIA/Wind collection are described in TBD.


The data collection contains daily Level 3 goniopolarimetric CDF files, derived from the RAD1 Receiver of Wind/Waves dataset. This data collection has been produced following the goniopolarimetric Inversion described in X.Bonnin, S.Hoang and B.Cecconi (2023).


The collection is composed of CDF files ( GB) containing data as described in the table below.

L3 DF data CDF zVariables description overview
Epoch CDF_TIME_TT2000 Epoch time of the record
SWEEP CDF_UNIT2 Index of sweep in current file
FREQUENCY CDF_UNIT2 kHz Frequency of analysis
NUM CDF_UNIT2 Sequential number in parent L2 data file
STOKES_I CDF_REAL4 W/m^2/Hz I Stokes parameter of the source
WAVE_COLATITUDE_SRF CDF_REAL4 deg Wave vector colatitude
WAVE_AZIMUTH_SRF CDF_REAL4 deg Wave vector azimuth
SOURCE_SIZE CDF_REAL4 deg Radio source angular radius
MODULATION_RATE CDF_REAL4 Signal normalized modulation rate

The file naming convention is: wi_wa_rad1_l3_df_yyyymmdd_vxx.cdf

  • yyyy: Year in 4 digits
  • mm: Month of year in 2 digits (0-padded)
  • dd: Day of month in 2 digits (0-padded)
  • xx: Data version in 2 digits (0-padded)

Coverage and sampling

  • Time range: 1994 to today
  • Time resolution: 45 to 185 seconds.
  • Spectral range: 20 kHz to 1040 MHz


  • Version 2
    • "FREQ" zVariable renamed to "FREQUENCY"
    • "FLUX" zVariable renamed to "STOKES_I"
    • "ELEVATION" zVariable renamed to "WAVE_COLATITUDE_SRF"
    • "AZIMUTH" zVariable renamed to "WAVE_AZIMUTH_SRF"
    • "ANGULAR_RADIUS" zVariable renamed to "SOURCE_SIZE"
    • "MODULATION" zVariable renamed to "MODULATION_RATE"
    • "FREQUENCY" units became "Hz" instead of "kHz"
    • Store colatitude of the source k vector (in "WAVE_COLATITUDE_SRF") instead of elevation previously
    • New calibration applied to compute "STOKES_I" values in W/m^2/Hz (see X.Bonnin, S.Hoang, B.Cecconi and K.Issautier (2023) for details)
    • In PI_name global attribute, "R.J. MacDowall" entry replaced by "K. Goetz"
    • In PI_affiliation global attribute, "NASA/GFSC" entry replaced by "University of Minnesota"


The Wind/Waves/RAD1 L3 DF data collection has been produced by X. Bonnin, B. Cecconi and K. Issautier from the Observatoire de Paris/LESIA Wind/Waves team, with the support of CNRS and CNES.


Any question or request should be addressed to contact.maser@obspm.fr


  • Bonnin, X., S. Hoang, B. Cecconi and K. Issautier. 2023, Description of Wind/Waves/RAD1 L3 Direction-Finding (DF) data production, version 1.0. PADC. doi:10.25935/4ZTJ-0S14
  • Bougeret, J.-L., Kaiser, M. L., Kellogg, P. J., et al. 1995. Waves: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the Wind Spacecraft. Space Science Reviews, 71, 2311995. doi:10.1007/BF00751331
  • Manning, R. & Fainberg, J. 1980. A new method of measuring radio source parameters of a partially polarized distributed source from spacecraft observations .Space Science Instrumentation, 5, 161. ads:1980SSI.....5..161M