LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS vopdc cdpp Sorbonne Université cnes Université de Paris


Thursday 18 March 2021, by Baptiste Cecconi

The ObsParis/LESIA group of MASER provides access to Cassini/RPWS/HFR, Voyager/PRA and Juno related data collections.

Data Access Points


The Cassini/Kronos database is providing access to all data levels derived from the raw data acquired by the RPWS/HFR (Radio and Plasma Waves Experiment/High Frequency Receiver) onboard Cassini.

Direct and open access to the full database is available here: http://lesia.obspm.fr/kronos/data/

Access to high level derived datasets are also available:

  • RPWS/HFR data browser, developed by B. Cecconi, and providing browsable quicklook access to various radio observables (flux, polarization), in various observations modes.
  • SKR dataset, produced by L. Lamy, and providing cleaned and resampled radio spectrograms of Saturn’s auroral Kilometric Radiation. The Dataset is currently available through AMDA (Automated Multi Dataset Analysis tool at CDPP).
  • SKR Periodicities and Phase system, produced by L. Lamy, and providing a times series of the SKR-based magnetospheric longitude system. VO access using SAMP has been set up by B. Cecconi.
  • RPWS/QTN dataset, produced by P. Schippers (scientific validation) and B. Cecconi (technical implementation), as CDF files, which are compliant with ISTP, PDS4 and CDPP standards.
  • RPWS/Sounder dataset (coming soon), produced by P. Canu (scientific validation) and B. Cecconi (technical implementation), as CDF files, which are compliant with ISTP, PDS4 and CDPP standards.
  • Cassini RPWS/HFR Jupiter flyby Calibrated dataset


  • Repository of all available Voyager-PRA datasets
  • Voyager/PRA High-Band High resolution dataset is not available to the scientific community. Only averaged Low-Band data are available at NASA/PDS. A series of 110 binary dumps of magnetic tapes from SERAD (CNES Service for Data Referencing and Archiving) are currently under refurbishment at LESIA.


Other dataset to be delivered in this future

  • STEREO/Waves datasets are available through the CDPP archive. Higher order datasets and direct VO access from LESIA is under study.
  • The WIND/Waves datasets are available through the CDPP archive. Higher order datasets and direct VO access from LESIA is under study.
  • The Ulysses/URAP datasets are available through the CDPP archive. Higher order datasets and direct VO access from LESIA is under study.
  • The ISEE3/SBH datasets from the initial mission are available through the CDPP archive. Direct VO access from LESIA is under study.