LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS vopdc cdpp Sorbonne Université cnes Université de Paris

MASER Datasets

Thursday 18 March 2021, by Baptiste Cecconi

MASER Data collections are open access and distributed according to FAIR principles.

MASER published data collections

MASER data collection are open access and citable with a DOI.

MASER Groups

The ObsParis/LESIA group of MASER provides access to Cassini/RPWS/HFR, Voyager/PRA and Juno related data collections.

The ObsNancay group of MASER provides access to Nançay Decameter Array data collections, and studies LOFAR and NenuFAR prototypes.

The CDPP/CNES group of MASER provides prototype access to various deep archive CNES repository collections: INTERBALL-AURORAL/POLRAD/RSP, DEMETER/ICE