LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS vopdc cdpp Sorbonne Université cnes Université de Paris


Friday 15 March 2019, by Baptiste Cecconi

VESPA (Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access) is a VO (Virtual Observatory) infrastructure dedicated to Solar and Planetary Sciences data discovery and access. It is developed within the Europlanet-2020-RI Project.

The MASER services are integrated into the VESPA infrastructure. They can be accessed through the VESPA main query portal.

Two servers are currently hosting MASER data collection metadata:

The list of available VESPA/EPNcore services is:

Schema NameDescriptionServer
nda.epn_core SRN NDA data collection Obs-Nancay
cassini_jupiter.epn_core Cassini/RPWS/HFR Jupiter flyby calibrated data set MASER-PADC
expres.epn_core ExPRES Simulation Runs catalogue MASER-PADC
voyager_pra.epn_core Voyager PRA (Planetary Radio Astronomy) Datasets catalogue MASER-PADC